Widget Classes

Widget Base Classes


class urwid.Widget

Widget base class

_selectable = False

The default selectable() method returns this value.

_sizing = frozenset(['flow', 'box', 'fixed'])

The default sizing() method returns this value.

_command_map = urwid.command_map

A shared CommandMap instance. May be redefined in subclasses or widget instances.

rows(size, focus=False)


This method is not implemented in Widget but must be implemented by any flow widget. See sizing().

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


The number of rows required for this widget given a number of columns in size

This is the method flow widgets use to communicate their size to other widgets without having to render a canvas. This should be a quick calculation as this function may be called a number of times in normal operation. If your implementation may take a long time you should add your own caching here.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this function to be retrieved from any canvas cached by CanvasCache, so if your widget has been rendered you may not receive calls to this function. The class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same size regardless of the value of the focus parameter.



This method is not implemented in Widget but must be implemented by any widget that may return cursor coordinates as part of the canvas that render() returns.


size (widget size) – See Widget.render() for details.


(col, row) if this widget has a cursor, None otherwise

Return the cursor coordinates (col, row) of a cursor that will appear as part of the canvas rendered by this widget when in focus, or None if no cursor is displayed.

The ListBox widget uses this method to make sure a cursor in the focus widget is not scrolled out of view. It is a separate method to avoid having to render the whole widget while calculating layout.

Container widgets will typically call the get_cursor_coords() method on their focus widget.



This method is not implemented in Widget but may be implemented by a subclass.


size (widget size) – See Widget.render() for details.


a column number or 'left' for the leftmost available column or 'right' for the rightmost available column

Return the preferred column for the cursor to be displayed in this widget. This value might not be the same as the column returned from get_cursor_coords().

The ListBox and Pile widgets call this method on a widget losing focus and use the value returned to call move_cursor_to_coords() on the widget becoming the focus. This allows the focus to move up and down through widgets while keeping the cursor in approximately the same column on screen.

move_cursor_to_coords(size, col, row)


This method is not implemented in Widget but may be implemented by a subclass. Not implementing this method is equivalent to having a method that always returns False.

  • size (widget size) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • col (int) – new column for the cursor, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – new row for the cursor, 0 it the top row of this widget


True if the position was set successfully anywhere on row, False otherwise

_emit(name: Hashable, *args) None

Convenience function to emit signals with self as first argument.

_invalidate() None

Mark cached canvases rendered by this widget as dirty so that they will not be used again.

property base_widget: Widget

Read-only property that steps through decoration widgets and returns the one at the base.

This default implementation returns self.

property focus: Widget | None

Read-only property returning the child widget in focus for container widgets.

This default implementation always returns None, indicating that this widget has no children.

property focus_position

Property for reading and setting the focus position for container widgets. This default implementation raises IndexError, making normal widgets fail the same way accessing focus_position on an empty container widget would.

keypress(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Keyboard input handler.


None if key was handled by key (the same value passed) if key was not handled

Return type:

str | None

mouse_event(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

render(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) Canvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

selectable() bool

True if this is a widget that is designed to take the focus, i.e. it contains something the user might want to interact with, False otherwise,

This default implementation returns _selectable. Subclasses may leave these is if the are not selectable, or if they are always selectable they may set the _selectable class variable to True.

If this method returns True then the keypress() method must be implemented.

Returning False does not guarantee that this widget will never be in focus, only that this widget will usually be skipped over when changing focus. It is still possible for non selectable widgets to have the focus (typically when there are no other selectable widgets visible).

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

A frozenset including one or more of 'box', 'flow' and 'fixed'. Default implementation returns the value of _sizing, which for this class includes all three.

The sizing modes returned indicate the modes that may be supported by this widget, but is not sufficient to know that using that sizing mode will work. Subclasses should make an effort to remove sizing modes they know will not work given the state of the widget, but many do not yet do this.

If a sizing mode is missing from the set then the widget should fail when used in that mode.

If 'flow' is among the values returned then the other methods in this widget must be able to accept a single-element tuple (maxcol,) to their size parameter, and the rows() method must be defined.

If 'box' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept a two-element tuple (maxcol, maxrow) to their size parameter.

If 'fixed' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept an empty tuple () to their size parameter, and the pack() method must be defined.


class urwid.WidgetWrap(w: WrappedWidget)

w – widget to wrap, stored as self._w

This object will pass the functions defined in Widget interface definition to self._w.

The purpose of this widget is to provide a base class for widgets that compose other widgets for their display and behaviour. The details of that composition should not affect users of the subclass. The subclass may decide to expose some of the wrapped widgets by behaving like a ContainerWidget or WidgetDecoration, or it may hide them from outside access.


class urwid.WidgetDecoration(original_widget: WrappedWidget)

original_widget – the widget being decorated

This is a base class for decoration widgets, widgets that contain one or more widgets and only ever have a single focus. This type of widget will affect the display or behaviour of the original_widget, but it is not part of determining a chain of focus.

Don’t actually do this – use a WidgetDecoration subclass instead, these are not real widgets:

>>> from urwid import Text
>>> WidgetDecoration(Text(u"hi"))
<WidgetDecoration fixed/flow widget <Text fixed/flow widget 'hi'>>
property base_widget: Widget

Return the widget without decorations. If there is only one Decoration then this is the same as original_widget.

>>> from urwid import Text
>>> t = Text('hello')
>>> wd1 = WidgetDecoration(t)
>>> wd2 = WidgetDecoration(wd1)
>>> wd3 = WidgetDecoration(wd2)
>>> wd3.original_widget is wd2
>>> wd3.base_widget is t
selectable() bool

True if this is a widget that is designed to take the focus, i.e. it contains something the user might want to interact with, False otherwise,

This default implementation returns _selectable. Subclasses may leave these is if the are not selectable, or if they are always selectable they may set the _selectable class variable to True.

If this method returns True then the keypress() method must be implemented.

Returning False does not guarantee that this widget will never be in focus, only that this widget will usually be skipped over when changing focus. It is still possible for non selectable widgets to have the focus (typically when there are no other selectable widgets visible).

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

A frozenset including one or more of 'box', 'flow' and 'fixed'. Default implementation returns the value of _sizing, which for this class includes all three.

The sizing modes returned indicate the modes that may be supported by this widget, but is not sufficient to know that using that sizing mode will work. Subclasses should make an effort to remove sizing modes they know will not work given the state of the widget, but many do not yet do this.

If a sizing mode is missing from the set then the widget should fail when used in that mode.

If 'flow' is among the values returned then the other methods in this widget must be able to accept a single-element tuple (maxcol,) to their size parameter, and the rows() method must be defined.

If 'box' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept a two-element tuple (maxcol, maxrow) to their size parameter.

If 'fixed' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept an empty tuple () to their size parameter, and the pack() method must be defined.


class urwid.WidgetContainerMixin

Mixin class for widget containers implementing common container methods

abstract property focus: Widget

Read-only property returning the child widget in focus for container widgets. This default implementation always returns None, indicating that this widget has no children.

get_focus_path() list[int | str]

Return the .focus_position values starting from this container and proceeding along each child widget until reaching a leaf (non-container) widget.

get_focus_widgets() list[Widget]

Return the .focus values starting from this container and proceeding along each child widget until reaching a leaf (non-container) widget.

Note that the list does not contain the topmost container widget (i.e., on which this method is called), but does include the lowest leaf widget.

set_focus_path(positions: Iterable[int | str]) None

Set the .focus_position property starting from this container widget and proceeding along newly focused child widgets. Any failed assignment due do incompatible position types or invalid positions will raise an IndexError.

This method may be used to restore a particular widget to the focus by passing in the value returned from an earlier call to get_focus_path().

positions – sequence of positions

Basic Widget Classes


class urwid.Text(markup: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align = Align.LEFT, wrap: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode = WrapMode.SPACE, layout: text_layout.TextLayout | None = None)

a horizontally resizeable text widget

  • markup (Text Markup) –

    content of text widget, one of:

    bytes or unicode

    text to be displayed

    (display attribute, text markup)

    text markup with display attribute applied to all parts of text markup with no display attribute already applied

    [text markup, text markup, … ]

    all text markup in the list joined together

  • align (text alignment mode) – typically 'left', 'center' or 'right'

  • wrap (text wrapping mode) – typically 'space', 'any', 'clip' or 'ellipsis'

  • layout (text layout instance) – defaults to a shared StandardTextLayout instance

>>> Text(u"Hello")
<Text fixed/flow widget 'Hello'>
>>> t = Text(('bold', u"stuff"), 'right', 'any')
>>> t
<Text fixed/flow widget 'stuff' align='right' wrap='any'>
>>> print(t.text)
>>> t.attrib
[('bold', 5)]
property attrib: list[tuple[Hashable, int]]

Read-only property returning the run-length encoded display attributes of this widget

get_line_translation(maxcol: int, ta: tuple[str | bytes, list[tuple[Hashable, int]]] | None = None) list[list[tuple[int, int, int | bytes] | tuple[int, int | None]]]

Return layout structure used to map self.text to a canvas. This method is used internally, but may be useful for debugging custom layout classes.

  • maxcol (int) – columns available for display

  • ta (text and display attributes) – None or the (text, display attributes) tuple returned from get_text()

get_text() tuple[str | bytes, list[tuple[Hashable, int]]]

(text, display attributes)


complete bytes/unicode content of text widget

display attributes

run length encoded display attributes for text, eg. [('attr1', 10), ('attr2', 5)]

>>> Text(u"Hello").get_text() # ... = u in Python 2
(...'Hello', [])
>>> Text(('bright', u"Headline")).get_text()
(...'Headline', [('bright', 8)])
>>> Text([('a', u"one"), u"two", ('b', u"three")]).get_text()
(...'onetwothree', [('a', 3), (None, 3), ('b', 5)])
pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

Return the number of screen columns and rows required for this Text widget to be displayed without wrapping or clipping, as a single element tuple.

  • size (widget size) – None or () for unlimited screen columns (like FIXED sizing) or (maxcol,) to specify a maximum column size

  • focus (bool) – widget is focused on

>>> Text(u"important things").pack()
(16, 1)
>>> Text(u"important things").pack((15,))
(9, 2)
>>> Text(u"important things").pack((8,))
(8, 2)
>>> Text(u"important things").pack(())
(16, 1)
render(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], focus: bool = False) TextCanvas

Render contents with wrapping and alignment. Return canvas.

See Widget.render() for parameter details.

>>> Text(u"important things").render((18,)).text
[b'important things  ']
>>> Text(u"important things").render((11,)).text
[b'important  ', b'things     ']
>>> Text("demo text").render(()).text
[b'demo text']
rows(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) int

Return the number of rows the rendered text requires.

See Widget.rows() for parameter details.

>>> Text(u"important things").rows((18,))
>>> Text(u"important things").rows((11,))
set_align_mode(mode: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align) None

Set text alignment mode. Supported modes depend on text layout object in use but defaults to a StandardTextLayout instance


mode (text alignment mode) – typically 'left', 'center' or 'right'

>>> t = Text(u"word")
>>> t.set_align_mode('right')
>>> t.align
>>> t.render((10,)).text # ... = b in Python 3
[...'      word']
>>> t.align = 'center'
>>> t.render((10,)).text
[...'   word   ']
>>> t.align = 'somewhere'
Traceback (most recent call last):
TextError: Alignment mode 'somewhere' not supported.
set_layout(align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align, wrap: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode, layout: text_layout.TextLayout | None = None) None

Set the text layout object, alignment and wrapping modes at the same time.

  • wrap (text wrapping mode) – typically ‘space’, ‘any’, ‘clip’ or ‘ellipsis’

  • layout (text layout instance) – defaults to a shared StandardTextLayout instance

>>> t = Text(u"hi")
>>> t.set_layout('right', 'clip')
>>> t
<Text fixed/flow widget 'hi' align='right' wrap='clip'>
set_text(markup: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]]) None

Set content of text widget.


markup (text markup) – see Text for description.

>>> t = Text(u"foo")
>>> print(t.text)
>>> t.set_text(u"bar")
>>> print(t.text)
>>> t.text = u"baz"  # not supported because text stores text but set_text() takes markup
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: can't set attribute
set_wrap_mode(mode: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode) None

Set text wrapping mode. Supported modes depend on text layout object in use but defaults to a StandardTextLayout instance


mode (text wrapping mode) – typically 'space', 'any', 'clip' or 'ellipsis'

>>> t = Text(u"some words")
>>> t.render((6,)).text # ... = b in Python 3
[...'some  ', ...'words ']
>>> t.set_wrap_mode('clip')
>>> t.wrap
>>> t.render((6,)).text
[...'some w']
>>> t.wrap = 'any'  # Urwid 0.9.9 or later
>>> t.render((6,)).text
[...'some w', ...'ords  ']
>>> t.wrap = 'somehow'
Traceback (most recent call last):
TextError: Wrap mode 'somehow' not supported.
property text: str | bytes

Read-only property returning the complete bytes/unicode content of this widget


class urwid.Edit(caption: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]] = '', edit_text: str = '', multiline: bool = False, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align = Align.LEFT, wrap: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode = WrapMode.SPACE, allow_tab: bool = False, edit_pos: int | None = None, layout: text_layout.TextLayout = None, mask: str | None = None)

Text editing widget implements cursor movement, text insertion and deletion. A caption may prefix the editing area. Uses text class for text layout.

Users of this class may listen for "change" or "postchange" events. See :func:connect_signal.

  • "change" is sent just before the value of edit_text changes. It receives the new text as an argument. Note that "change" cannot change the text in question as edit_text changes the text afterwards.

  • "postchange" is sent after the value of edit_text changes. It receives the old value of the text as an argument and thus is appropriate for changing the text. It is possible for a "postchange" event handler to get into a loop of changing the text and then being called when the event is re-emitted. It is up to the event handler to guard against this case (for instance, by not changing the text if it is signaled for text that it has already changed once).

  • caption (text markup) – markup for caption preceding edit_text, see Text for description of text markup.

  • edit_text (bytes or unicode) – initial text for editing, type (bytes or unicode) must match the text in the caption

  • multiline (bool) – True: ‘enter’ inserts newline False: return it

  • align (text alignment mode) – typically ‘left’, ‘center’ or ‘right’

  • wrap (text wrapping mode) – typically ‘space’, ‘any’ or ‘clip’

  • allow_tab (bool) – True: ‘tab’ inserts 1-8 spaces False: return it

  • edit_pos (int) – initial position for cursor, None:end of edit_text

  • layout (text layout instance) – defaults to a shared StandardTextLayout instance

  • mask (bytes or unicode) – hide text entered with this character, None:disable mask

>>> Edit()
<Edit selectable flow widget '' edit_pos=0>
>>> Edit(u"Y/n? ", u"yes")
<Edit selectable flow widget 'yes' caption='Y/n? ' edit_pos=3>
>>> Edit(u"Name ", u"Smith", edit_pos=1)
<Edit selectable flow widget 'Smith' caption='Name ' edit_pos=1>
>>> Edit(u"", u"3.14", align='right')
<Edit selectable flow widget '3.14' align='right' edit_pos=4>
property caption: str

Read-only property returning the caption for this widget.

property edit_pos

Property controlling the edit position for this widget.

property edit_text: str

Property controlling the edit text for this widget.

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int]) tuple[int, int]

Return the (x, y) coordinates of cursor within widget.

>>> Edit("? ","yes").get_cursor_coords((10,))
(5, 0)
get_edit_text() str

Return the edit text for this widget.

>>> e = Edit(u"What? ", u"oh, nothing.")
>>> print(e.get_edit_text())
oh, nothing.
>>> print(e.edit_text)
oh, nothing.
get_line_translation(maxcol: int, ta: tuple[str | bytes, list[tuple[Hashable, int]]] | None = None) list[list[tuple[int, int, int | bytes] | tuple[int, int | None]]]

Return layout structure used to map self.text to a canvas. This method is used internally, but may be useful for debugging custom layout classes.

  • maxcol (int) – columns available for display

  • ta (text and display attributes) – None or the (text, display attributes) tuple returned from get_text()

get_pref_col(size: tuple[int]) int

Return the preferred column for the cursor, or the current cursor x value. May also return 'left' or 'right' to indicate the leftmost or rightmost column available.

This method is used internally and by other widgets when moving the cursor up or down between widgets so that the column selected is one that the user would expect.

>>> size = (10,)
>>> Edit().get_pref_col(size)
>>> e = Edit(u"", u"word")
>>> e.get_pref_col(size)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'left')
>>> e.get_pref_col(size)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> e.get_pref_col(size)
<Align.RIGHT: 'right'>
>>> e = Edit(u"", u"2\nwords")
>>> e.keypress(size, 'left')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'up')
>>> e.get_pref_col(size)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'left')
>>> e.get_pref_col(size)
get_text() tuple[str | bytes, list[tuple[Hashable, int]]]

Returns (text, display attributes). See Text.get_text() for details.

Text returned includes the caption and edit_text, possibly masked.

>>> Edit(u"What? ","oh, nothing.").get_text()
('What? oh, nothing.', [])
>>> Edit(('bright',u"user@host:~$ "),"ls").get_text()
('user@host:~$ ls', [('bright', 13)])
>>> Edit(u"password:", u"seekrit", mask=u"*").get_text()
('password:*******', [])
insert_text(text: str) None

Insert text at the cursor position and update cursor. This method is used by the keypress() method when inserting one or more characters into edit_text.


text (bytes or unicode) – text for inserting, type (bytes or unicode) must match the text in the caption

>>> e = Edit(u"", u"42")
>>> e.insert_text(u".5")
>>> e
<Edit selectable flow widget '42.5' edit_pos=4>
>>> e.set_edit_pos(2)
>>> e.insert_text(u"a")
>>> print(e.edit_text)
insert_text_result(text: str) tuple[str | bytes, int]

Return result of insert_text(text) without actually performing the insertion. Handy for pre-validation.


text (bytes or unicode) – text for inserting, type (bytes or unicode) must match the text in the caption

keypress(size: tuple[int], key: str) str | None

Handle editing keystrokes, return others.

>>> e, size = Edit(), (20,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'x')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'left')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> print(e.edit_text)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> e.keypress(size, '2')
>>> print(e.edit_text)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'shift f1')
'shift f1'
mouse_event(size: tuple[int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Move the cursor to the location clicked for button 1.

>>> size = (20,)
>>> e = Edit("","words here")
>>> e.mouse_event(size, 'mouse press', 1, 2, 0, True)
>>> e.edit_pos
move_cursor_to_coords(size: tuple[int], x: int | Literal[Align.LEFT, Align.RIGHT], y: int) bool

Set the cursor position with (x,y) coordinates. Returns True if move succeeded, False otherwise.

>>> size = (10,)
>>> e = Edit("","edit\ntext")
>>> e.move_cursor_to_coords(size, 5, 0)
>>> e.edit_pos
>>> e.move_cursor_to_coords(size, 5, 3)
>>> e.move_cursor_to_coords(size, 0, 1)
>>> e.edit_pos
position_coords(maxcol: int, pos: int) tuple[int, int]

Return (x, y) coordinates for an offset into self.edit_text.

render(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) TextCanvas | CompositeCanvas

Render edit widget and return canvas. Include cursor when in focus.

>>> edit = Edit("? ","yes")
>>> c = edit.render((10,), focus=True)
>>> c.text
[b'? yes     ']
>>> c.cursor
(5, 0)
set_caption(caption: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]]) None

Set the caption markup for this widget.


caption – markup for caption preceding edit_text, see Text.__init__() for description of text markup.

>>> e = Edit("")
>>> e.set_caption("cap1")
>>> print(e.caption)
>>> e.set_caption(('bold', "cap2"))
>>> print(e.caption)
>>> e.attrib
[('bold', 4)]
>>> e.caption = "cap3"  # not supported because caption stores text but set_caption() takes markup
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: can't set attribute
set_edit_pos(pos: int) None

Set the cursor position with a self.edit_text offset. Clips pos to [0, len(edit_text)].


pos (int) – cursor position

>>> e = Edit(u"", u"word")
>>> e.edit_pos
>>> e.set_edit_pos(2)
>>> e.edit_pos
>>> e.edit_pos = -1  # Urwid 0.9.9 or later
>>> e.edit_pos
>>> e.edit_pos = 20
>>> e.edit_pos
set_edit_text(text: str) None

Set the edit text for this widget.


text (bytes or unicode) – text for editing, type (bytes or unicode) must match the text in the caption

>>> e = Edit()
>>> e.set_edit_text(u"yes")
>>> print(e.edit_text)
>>> e
<Edit selectable flow widget 'yes' edit_pos=0>
>>> e.edit_text = u"no"  # Urwid 0.9.9 or later
>>> print(e.edit_text)
set_mask(mask: str | None) None

Set the character for masking text away.


mask (bytes or unicode) – hide text entered with this character, None:disable mask

set_text(markup: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]]) None

Not supported by Edit widget.

>>> Edit().set_text("test")
Traceback (most recent call last):
EditError: set_text() not supported.  Use set_caption() or set_edit_text() instead.
valid_char(ch: str) bool

Filter for text that may be entered into this widget by the user


ch (str) – character to be inserted

This implementation returns True for all printable characters.


class urwid.IntEdit(caption='', default: int | str | None = None)

Edit widget for integer values

caption – caption markup default – default edit value

>>> IntEdit(u"", 42)
<IntEdit selectable flow widget '42' edit_pos=2>
keypress(size: tuple[int], key: str) str | None

Handle editing keystrokes. Remove leading zeros.

>>> e, size = IntEdit(u"", 5002), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
>>> print(e.edit_text)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> print(e.edit_text)
valid_char(ch: str) bool

Return true for decimal digits.

value() int

Return the numeric value of self.edit_text.

>>> e, size = IntEdit(), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> e.value() == 51


class urwid.Button(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], on_press: Callable[[Self, _T], Any] | None = None, user_data: _T = ..., *, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align = ..., wrap: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode = ..., layout: TextLayout | None = ...)
class urwid.Button(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], on_press: Callable[[Self], Any] | None = None, user_data: None = None, *, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align = ..., wrap: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode = ..., layout: TextLayout | None = ...)
  • label – markup for button label

  • on_press – shorthand for connect_signal() function call for a single callback

  • user_data – user_data for on_press

  • align (label alignment mode) – typically 'left', 'center' or 'right'

  • wrap (label wrapping mode) – typically 'space', 'any', 'clip' or 'ellipsis'

  • layout (text layout instance) – defaults to a shared StandardTextLayout instance

..note:: pack method expect, that Columns backend widget is not modified from outside

Signals supported: 'click'

Register signal handler with:

urwid.connect_signal(button, 'click', callback, user_data)

where callback is callback(button [,user_data]) Unregister signal handlers with:

urwid.disconnect_signal(button, 'click', callback, user_data)
>>> from urwid.util import set_temporary_encoding
>>> Button(u"Ok")
<Button selectable fixed/flow widget 'Ok'>
>>> b = Button("Cancel")
>>> b.render((15,), focus=True).text # ... = b in Python 3
[b'< Cancel      >']
>>> aligned_button = Button("Test", align=Align.CENTER)
>>> aligned_button.render((10,), focus=True).text
[b'<  Test  >']
>>> wrapped_button = Button("Long label", wrap=WrapMode.ELLIPSIS)
>>> with set_temporary_encoding("utf-8"):
...     wrapped_button.render((7,), focus=False).text[0].decode('utf-8')
'< Lo… >'
get_label() str | bytes

Return label text.

>>> b = Button(u"Ok")
>>> print(b.get_label())
>>> print(b.label)
keypress(size: tuple[int], key: str) str | None

Send ‘click’ signal on ‘activate’ command.

>>> assert Button._command_map[' '] == 'activate'
>>> assert Button._command_map['enter'] == 'activate'
>>> size = (15,)
>>> b = Button(u"Cancel")
>>> clicked_buttons = []
>>> def handle_click(button):
...     clicked_buttons.append(button.label)
>>> key = connect_signal(b, 'click', handle_click)
>>> b.keypress(size, 'enter')
>>> b.keypress(size, ' ')
>>> clicked_buttons # ... = u in Python 2
[...'Cancel', ...'Cancel']
property label: str | bytes

Return label text.

>>> b = Button(u"Ok")
>>> print(b.get_label())
>>> print(b.label)
mouse_event(size: tuple[int], event: str, button: int, x: int, y: int, focus: bool) bool

Send ‘click’ signal on button 1 press.

>>> size = (15,)
>>> b = Button(u"Ok")
>>> clicked_buttons = []
>>> def handle_click(button):
...     clicked_buttons.append(button.label)
>>> key = connect_signal(b, 'click', handle_click)
>>> b.mouse_event(size, 'mouse press', 1, 4, 0, True)
>>> b.mouse_event(size, 'mouse press', 2, 4, 0, True) # ignored
>>> clicked_buttons # ... = u in Python 2
pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

Pack for widget.

  • size – size data. Special case: None - get minimal widget size to fit

  • focus – widget is focused

>>> btn = Button("Some button")
>>> btn.pack((10,))
(10, 2)
>>> btn.pack()
(15, 1)
>>> btn.pack((), True)
(15, 1)
set_label(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]]) None

Change the button label.

label – markup for button label

>>> b = Button("Ok")
>>> b.set_label(u"Yup yup")
>>> b
<Button selectable fixed/flow widget 'Yup yup'>


class urwid.CheckBox(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], state: bool = False, has_mixed: Literal[False] = False, on_state_change: Callable[[Self, bool, _T], Any] | None = None, user_data: _T = ..., checked_symbol: str | None = ...)
class urwid.CheckBox(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], state: bool = False, has_mixed: Literal[False] = False, on_state_change: Callable[[Self, bool], Any] | None = None, user_data: None = None, checked_symbol: str | None = ...)
class urwid.CheckBox(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], state: Literal['mixed'] | bool = False, has_mixed: Literal[True] = True, on_state_change: Callable[[Self, bool | Literal['mixed'], _T], Any] | None = None, user_data: _T = ..., checked_symbol: str | None = ...)
class urwid.CheckBox(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], state: Literal['mixed'] | bool = False, has_mixed: Literal[True] = True, on_state_change: Callable[[Self, bool | Literal['mixed']], Any] | None = None, user_data: None = None, checked_symbol: str | None = ...)
  • label – markup for check box label

  • state – False, True or “mixed”

  • has_mixed – True if “mixed” is a state to cycle through

  • on_state_change – shorthand for connect_signal() function call for a single callback

  • user_data – user_data for on_state_change

..note:: pack method expect, that Columns backend widget is not modified from outside

Signals supported: 'change', "postchange"

Register signal handler with:

urwid.connect_signal(check_box, 'change', callback, user_data)

where callback is callback(check_box, new_state [,user_data]) Unregister signal handlers with:

urwid.disconnect_signal(check_box, 'change', callback, user_data)
>>> CheckBox("Confirm")
<CheckBox selectable fixed/flow widget 'Confirm' state=False>
>>> CheckBox("Yogourt", "mixed", True)
<CheckBox selectable fixed/flow widget 'Yogourt' state='mixed'>
>>> cb = CheckBox("Extra onions", True)
>>> cb
<CheckBox selectable fixed/flow widget 'Extra onions' state=True>
>>> cb.render((20,), focus=True).text
[b'[X] Extra onions    ']
>>> CheckBox("Test", None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: None not in (True, False, 'mixed')

Return label text.

>>> cb = CheckBox(u"Seriously")
>>> print(cb.get_label())
>>> print(cb.label)
>>> cb.set_label([('bright_attr', u"flashy"), u" normal"])
>>> print(cb.label)  #  only text is returned
flashy normal
get_state() bool | Literal['mixed']

Return the state of the checkbox.

keypress(size: tuple[int], key: str) str | None

Toggle state on ‘activate’ command.

>>> assert CheckBox._command_map[' '] == 'activate'
>>> assert CheckBox._command_map['enter'] == 'activate'
>>> size = (10,)
>>> cb = CheckBox('press me')
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.keypress(size, ' ')
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.keypress(size, ' ')
>>> cb.state
property label

Return label text.

>>> cb = CheckBox(u"Seriously")
>>> print(cb.get_label())
>>> print(cb.label)
>>> cb.set_label([('bright_attr', u"flashy"), u" normal"])
>>> print(cb.label)  #  only text is returned
flashy normal
mouse_event(size: tuple[int], event: str, button: int, x: int, y: int, focus: bool) bool

Toggle state on button 1 press.

>>> size = (20,)
>>> cb = CheckBox("clickme")
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.mouse_event(size, 'mouse press', 1, 2, 0, True)
>>> cb.state
pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) tuple[str, str]

Pack for widget.

  • size – size data. Special case: None - get minimal widget size to fit

  • focus – widget is focused

>>> cb = CheckBox("test")
>>> cb.pack((10,))
(10, 1)
>>> cb.pack()
(8, 1)
>>> ml_cb = CheckBox("Multi\nline\ncheckbox")
>>> ml_cb.pack()
(12, 3)
>>> ml_cb.pack((), True)
(12, 3)
set_label(label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]])

Change the check box label.

label – markup for label. See Text widget for description of text markup.

>>> cb = CheckBox(u"foo")
>>> cb
<CheckBox selectable fixed/flow widget 'foo' state=False>
>>> cb.set_label(('bright_attr', u"bar"))
>>> cb
<CheckBox selectable fixed/flow widget 'bar' state=False>
set_state(state: bool | Literal['mixed'], do_callback: bool = True) None

Set the CheckBox state.

state – True, False or “mixed” do_callback – False to suppress signal from this change

>>> from urwid import disconnect_signal
>>> changes = []
>>> def callback_a(user_data, cb, state):
...     changes.append("A %r %r" % (state, user_data))
>>> def callback_b(cb, state):
...     changes.append("B %r" % state)
>>> cb = CheckBox('test', False, False)
>>> key1 = connect_signal(cb, 'change', callback_a, user_args=("user_a",))
>>> key2 = connect_signal(cb, 'change', callback_b)
>>> cb.set_state(True) # both callbacks will be triggered
>>> cb.state
>>> disconnect_signal(cb, 'change', callback_a, user_args=("user_a",))
>>> cb.state = False
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.set_state(True)
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.set_state(False, False) # don't send signal
>>> changes
["A True 'user_a'", 'B True', 'B False', 'B True']
property state: bool | Literal['mixed']

Return the state of the checkbox.

toggle_state() None

Cycle to the next valid state.

>>> cb = CheckBox("3-state", has_mixed=True)
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.toggle_state()
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.toggle_state()
>>> cb.state
>>> cb.toggle_state()
>>> cb.state


class urwid.RadioButton(group: MutableSequence[RadioButton], label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], state: bool | Literal['first True'] = ..., on_state_change: Callable[[Self, bool, _T], Any] | None = None, user_data: _T = ...)
class urwid.RadioButton(group: MutableSequence[RadioButton], label: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], state: bool | Literal['first True'] = ..., on_state_change: Callable[[Self, bool], Any] | None = None, user_data: None = None)
  • group – list for radio buttons in same group

  • label – markup for radio button label

  • state – False, True, “mixed” or “first True”

  • on_state_change – shorthand for connect_signal() function call for a single ‘change’ callback

  • user_data – user_data for on_state_change

..note:: pack method expect, that Columns backend widget is not modified from outside

This function will append the new radio button to group. “first True” will set to True if group is empty.

Signals supported: 'change', "postchange"

Register signal handler with:

urwid.connect_signal(radio_button, 'change', callback, user_data)

where callback is callback(radio_button, new_state [,user_data]) Unregister signal handlers with:

urwid.disconnect_signal(radio_button, 'change', callback, user_data)
>>> bgroup = [] # button group
>>> b1 = RadioButton(bgroup, u"Agree")
>>> b2 = RadioButton(bgroup, u"Disagree")
>>> len(bgroup)
>>> b1
<RadioButton selectable fixed/flow widget 'Agree' state=True>
>>> b2
<RadioButton selectable fixed/flow widget 'Disagree' state=False>
>>> b2.render((15,), focus=True).text # ... = b in Python 3
[...'( ) Disagree   ']
set_state(state: bool | Literal['mixed'], do_callback: bool = True) None

Set the RadioButton state.

state – True, False or “mixed”

do_callback – False to suppress signal from this change

If state is True all other radio buttons in the same button group will be set to False.

>>> bgroup = [] # button group
>>> b1 = RadioButton(bgroup, u"Agree")
>>> b2 = RadioButton(bgroup, u"Disagree")
>>> b3 = RadioButton(bgroup, u"Unsure")
>>> b1.state, b2.state, b3.state
(True, False, False)
>>> b2.set_state(True)
>>> b1.state, b2.state, b3.state
(False, True, False)
>>> def relabel_button(radio_button, new_state):
...     radio_button.set_label(u"Think Harder!")
>>> key = connect_signal(b3, 'change', relabel_button)
>>> b3
<RadioButton selectable fixed/flow widget 'Unsure' state=False>
>>> b3.set_state(True) # this will trigger the callback
>>> b3
<RadioButton selectable fixed/flow widget 'Think Harder!' state=True>
toggle_state() None

Set state to True.

>>> bgroup = [] # button group
>>> b1 = RadioButton(bgroup, "Agree")
>>> b2 = RadioButton(bgroup, "Disagree")
>>> b1.state, b2.state
(True, False)
>>> b2.toggle_state()
>>> b1.state, b2.state
(False, True)
>>> b2.toggle_state()
>>> b1.state, b2.state
(False, True)


class urwid.TreeWidget(node: TreeNode)

A widget representing something in a nested tree display.

w – widget to wrap, stored as self._w

This object will pass the functions defined in Widget interface definition to self._w.

The purpose of this widget is to provide a base class for widgets that compose other widgets for their display and behaviour. The details of that composition should not affect users of the subclass. The subclass may decide to expose some of the wrapped widgets by behaving like a ContainerWidget or WidgetDecoration, or it may hide them from outside access.

first_child() TreeWidget | None

Return first child if expanded.

keypress(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], key: str) str | None

Handle expand & collapse requests (non-leaf nodes)

last_child() TreeWidget | None

Return last child if expanded.

mouse_event(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

next_inorder() TreeWidget | None

Return the next TreeWidget depth first from this one.

prev_inorder() TreeWidget | None

Return the previous TreeWidget depth first from this one.

selectable() bool

Allow selection of non-leaf nodes so children may be (un)expanded

update_expanded_icon() None

Update display widget text for parent widgets

Extended Numerical Editing Classes


class urwid.numedit.IntegerEdit(caption='', default: int | str | Decimal | None = None, base: int = 10, *, allow_negative: bool = False)

Edit widget for integer values

caption – caption markup default – default edit value

>>> IntegerEdit(u"", 42)
<IntegerEdit selectable flow widget '42' edit_pos=2>
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "5002"), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "002"
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "2"
>>> e.keypress(size, '9')
>>> e.keypress(size, '0')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "290"
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit("", ""), (10,)
>>> assert e.value() is None
>>> # binary
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "1010", base=2), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "10101"
>>> assert e.value() == Decimal("21")
>>> # HEX
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "10", base=16), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'F')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'f')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "10Ff"
>>> assert e.keypress(size, 'G') == 'G'  # unhandled key
>>> assert e.edit_text == "10Ff"
>>> # keep leading 0's when not base 10
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "10FF", base=16), (10,)
>>> assert e.edit_text == "10FF"
>>> assert e.value() == Decimal("4351")
>>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
>>> e.keypress(size, '0')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "00FF"
>>> # test exception on incompatible value for base
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", "10FG", base=16), (10,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid value: 10FG for base 16
>>> # test exception on float init value
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", 10.0), (10,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: default: Only 'str', 'int', 'long' or Decimal input allowed
>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(u"", Decimal("10.0")), (10,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: not an 'integer Decimal' instance
value() Decimal | None

Return the numeric value of self.edit_text.

>>> e, size = IntegerEdit(), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> assert e.value() == 51


class urwid.numedit.FloatEdit(caption='', default: str | int | Decimal | None = None, preserveSignificance: bool | None = None, decimalSeparator: str | None = None, *, preserve_significance: bool = True, decimal_separator: str = '.', allow_negative: bool = False)

Edit widget for float values.

caption – caption markup default – default edit value preserve_significance – return value has the same signif. as default decimal_separator – use ‘.’ as separator by default, optionally a ‘,’

>>> FloatEdit(u"",  "1.065434")
<FloatEdit selectable flow widget '1.065434' edit_pos=8>
>>> e, size = FloatEdit(u"", "1.065434"), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'home')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'delete')
>>> assert e.edit_text == ".065434"
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
>>> assert e.edit_text == ".06543"
>>> e, size = FloatEdit(), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> e.keypress(size, '.')
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> assert e.value() == Decimal("51.51"), e.value()
>>> e, size = FloatEdit(decimal_separator=":"), (10,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid decimal separator: :
>>> e, size = FloatEdit(decimal_separator=","), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> e.keypress(size, ',')
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "51,51"
>>> e, size = FloatEdit("", "3.1415", preserve_significance=True), (10,)
>>> e.keypress(size, 'end')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
>>> e.keypress(size, 'backspace')
>>> assert e.edit_text == "3.14"
>>> assert e.value() == Decimal("3.1400")
>>> e.keypress(size, '1')
>>> e.keypress(size, '5')
>>> e.keypress(size, '9')
>>> assert e.value() == Decimal("3.1416"), e.value()
>>> e, size = FloatEdit("", ""), (10,)
>>> assert e.value() is None
>>> e, size = FloatEdit(u"", 10.0), (10,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: default: Only 'str', 'int', 'long' or Decimal input allowed
value() Decimal | None

Return the numeric value of self.edit_text.


class urwid.SelectableIcon(text: str | tuple[Hashable, str] | list[str | tuple[Hashable, str]], cursor_position: int = 0, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align = Align.LEFT, wrap: Literal['space', 'any', 'clip', 'ellipsis'] | WrapMode = WrapMode.SPACE, layout: TextLayout | None = None)
  • text – markup for this widget; see Text for description of text markup

  • cursor_position – position the cursor will appear in the text when this widget is in focus

  • align (text alignment mode) – typically 'left', 'center' or 'right'

  • wrap (text wrapping mode) – typically 'space', 'any', 'clip' or 'ellipsis'

  • layout (text layout instance) – defaults to a shared StandardTextLayout instance

This is a text widget that is selectable. A cursor displayed at a fixed location in the text when in focus. This widget has no special handling of keyboard or mouse input.

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return the position of the cursor if visible. This method is required for widgets that display a cursor.

keypress(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], key: str) str

No keys are handled by this widget. This method is required for selectable widgets.

render(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], focus: bool = False) TextCanvas | CompositeCanvas

Render the text content of this widget with a cursor when in focus.

>>> si = SelectableIcon(u"[!]")
>>> si
<SelectableIcon selectable fixed/flow widget '[!]'>
>>> si.render((4,), focus=True).cursor
(0, 0)
>>> si = SelectableIcon("((*))", 2)
>>> si.render((8,), focus=True).cursor
(2, 0)
>>> si.render((2,), focus=True).cursor
(0, 1)
>>> si.render(()).cursor
>>> si.render(()).text
>>> si.render((), focus=True).cursor
(2, 0)

Decoration Widget Classes


class urwid.AttrMap(w: WrappedWidget, attr_map: Hashable | Mapping[Hashable | None, Hashable] | None, focus_map: Hashable | Mapping[Hashable | None, Hashable] | None = None)

AttrMap is a decoration that maps one set of attributes to another. This object will pass all function calls and variable references to the wrapped widget.

  • w (widget) – widget to wrap (stored as self.original_widget)

  • attr_map (display attribute or dict) – attribute to apply to w, or dict of old display attribute: new display attribute mappings

  • focus_map (display attribute or dict) – attribute to apply when in focus or dict of old display attribute: new display attribute mappings; if None use attr

>>> from urwid import Divider, Edit, Text
>>> AttrMap(Divider(u"!"), 'bright')
<AttrMap flow widget <Divider flow widget '!'> attr_map={None: 'bright'}>
>>> AttrMap(Edit(), 'notfocus', 'focus').attr_map
{None: 'notfocus'}
>>> AttrMap(Edit(), 'notfocus', 'focus').focus_map
{None: 'focus'}
>>> size = (5,)
>>> am = AttrMap(Text(u"hi"), 'greeting', 'fgreet')
>>> next(am.render(size, focus=False).content()) # ... = b in Python 3
[('greeting', None, ...'hi   ')]
>>> next(am.render(size, focus=True).content())
[('fgreet', None, ...'hi   ')]
>>> am2 = AttrMap(Text(('word', u"hi")), {'word':'greeting', None:'bg'})
>>> am2
<AttrMap fixed/flow widget <Text fixed/flow widget 'hi'> attr_map={'word': 'greeting', None: 'bg'}>
>>> next(am2.render(size).content())
[('greeting', None, ...'hi'), ('bg', None, ...'   ')]
render(size, focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render wrapped widget and apply attribute. Return canvas.

set_attr_map(attr_map: dict[Hashable | None, Hashable] | None) None

Set the attribute mapping dictionary {from_attr: to_attr, …}

Note this function does not accept a single attribute the way the constructor does. You must specify {None: attribute} instead.

>>> from urwid import Text
>>> w = AttrMap(Text(u"hi"), None)
>>> w.set_attr_map({'a':'b'})
>>> w
<AttrMap fixed/flow widget <Text fixed/flow widget 'hi'> attr_map={'a': 'b'}>
set_focus_map(focus_map: dict[Hashable | None, Hashable] | None) None

Set the focus attribute mapping dictionary {from_attr: to_attr, …}

If None this widget will use the attr mapping instead (no change when in focus).

Note this function does not accept a single attribute the way the constructor does. You must specify {None: attribute} instead.

>>> from urwid import Text
>>> w = AttrMap(Text(u"hi"), {})
>>> w.set_focus_map({'a':'b'})
>>> w
<AttrMap fixed/flow widget <Text fixed/flow widget 'hi'> attr_map={} focus_map={'a': 'b'}>
>>> w.set_focus_map(None)
>>> w
<AttrMap fixed/flow widget <Text fixed/flow widget 'hi'> attr_map={}>


class urwid.Padding(w: WrappedWidget, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE, 'fixed left', 'fixed right'], int] = Align.LEFT, width: int | Literal['pack', 'clip', WHSettings.PACK, WHSettings.CLIP] | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE, 'fixed left', 'fixed right'], int] = (WHSettings.RELATIVE, 100), min_width: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0)
  • w (Widget) – a box, flow or fixed widget to pad on the left and/or right this widget is stored as self.original_widget

  • align – one of: 'left', 'center', 'right' ('relative', percentage 0=left 100=right)

  • width

    one of:

    given width

    integer number of columns for self.original_widget


    try to pack self.original_widget to its ideal size

    ('relative', percentage of total width)

    make width depend on the container’s width


    to enable clipping mode for a fixed widget

  • min_width (int | None) – the minimum number of columns for self.original_widget or None

  • left (int) – a fixed number of columns to pad on the left

  • right (int) – a fixed number of columns to pad on the right

Clipping Mode: (width= 'clip') In clipping mode this padding widget will behave as a flow widget and self.original_widget will be treated as a fixed widget. self.original_widget will be clipped to fit the available number of columns. For example if align is 'left' then self.original_widget may be clipped on the right.

Pack Mode: (width= 'pack') In pack mode is supported FIXED operation if it is supported by the original widget.

>>> from urwid import Divider, Text, BigText, FontRegistry
>>> from urwid.util import set_temporary_encoding
>>> size = (7,)
>>> def pr(w):
...     with set_temporary_encoding("utf-8"):
...         for t in w.render(size).text:
...             print(f"|{t.decode('utf-8')}|" )
>>> pr(Padding(Text(u"Head"), ('relative', 20), 'pack'))
| Head  |
>>> pr(Padding(Divider(u"-"), left=2, right=1))
|  ---- |
>>> pr(Padding(Divider(u"*"), 'center', 3))
|  ***  |
>>> p=Padding(Text(u"1234"), 'left', 2, None, 1, 1)
>>> p
<Padding fixed/flow widget <Text fixed/flow widget '1234'> left=1 right=1 width=2>
>>> pr(p)   # align against left
| 12    |
| 34    |
>>> p.align = 'right'
>>> pr(p)   # align against right
|    12 |
|    34 |
>>> pr(Padding(Text(u"hi\nthere"), 'right', 'pack')) # pack text first
|  hi   |
|  there|
>>> pr(Padding(BigText("1,2,3", FontRegistry['Thin 3x3']()), width="clip"))
| ┐  ┌─┐|
| │  ┌─┘|
| ┴ ,└─ |
property align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]

Return the padding alignment setting.

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return the (x,y) coordinates of cursor within self._original_widget.

get_pref_col(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) int | None

Return the preferred column from self._original_widget, or None.

keypress(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Pass keypress to self._original_widget.

mouse_event(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Send mouse event if position is within self._original_widget.

move_cursor_to_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], x: int, y: int) bool

Set the cursor position with (x,y) coordinates of self._original_widget.

Returns True if move succeeded, False otherwise.

pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int] = (), focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

padding_values(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool) tuple[int, int]

Return the number of columns to pad on the left and right.

Override this method to define custom padding behaviour.

render(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

rows(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) int

Return the rows needed for self.original_widget.

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

Widget sizing.

Rules: * width == CLIP: only FLOW is supported, and wrapped widget should support FIXED * width == GIVEN: FIXED is supported, and wrapped widget should support FLOW * All other cases: use sizing of target widget

property width: Literal['clip', 'pack', WHSettings.CLIP, WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int]

Return the padding width.


class urwid.Filler(body: WrappedWidget, valign: Literal['top', 'middle', 'bottom'] | VAlign | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] = VAlign.MIDDLE, height: int | Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None = WHSettings.PACK, min_height: int | None = None, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0)
  • body (Widget) – a flow widget or box widget to be filled around (stored as self.original_widget)

  • valign – one of: 'top', 'middle', 'bottom', ('relative', percentage 0=top 100=bottom)

  • height

    one of:


    if body is a flow widget

    given height

    integer number of rows for self.original_widget

    ('relative', percentage of total height)

    make height depend on container’s height

  • min_height

    one of:


    if no minimum or if body is a flow widget

    minimum height

    integer number of rows for the widget when height not fixed

  • top (int) – a fixed number of rows to fill at the top

  • bottom (int) – a fixed number of rows to fill at the bottom

If body is a flow widget, then height must be 'pack' and min_height will be ignored. Sizing of the filler will be BOX/FLOW in this case.

If height is integer, min_height will be ignored and sizing of filler will be BOX/FLOW.

Filler widgets will try to satisfy height argument first by reducing the valign amount when necessary. If height still cannot be satisfied it will also be reduced.

property body: WrappedWidget

backwards compatibility, widget used to be stored as body

filler_values(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int], focus: bool) tuple[int, int]

Return the number of rows to pad on the top and bottom.

Override this method to define custom padding behaviour.

get_body() WrappedWidget

backwards compatibility, widget used to be stored as body

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return cursor coords from self.original_widget if any.

get_pref_col(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int]) int | None

Return pref_col from self.original_widget if any.

keypress(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[()], key: str) str | None

Pass keypress to self.original_widget.

mouse_event(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int], event, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Pass to self.original_widget.

move_cursor_to_coords(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int], col: int, row: int) bool

Pass to self.original_widget.

render(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render self.original_widget with space above and/or below.

rows(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) int

Flow pack support if FLOW sizing supported.

selectable() bool

Return selectable from body.

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

Widget sizing.

Sizing BOX is always supported. Sizing FLOW is supported if: FLOW widget (a height type is PACK) or BOX widget with height GIVEN


class urwid.Divider(div_char: str | bytes = ' ', top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0)

Horizontal divider widget

  • div_char (bytes or unicode) – character to repeat across line

  • top (int) – number of blank lines above

  • bottom (int) – number of blank lines below

>>> Divider()
<Divider flow widget>
>>> Divider(u'-')
<Divider flow widget '-'>
>>> Divider(u'x', 1, 2)
<Divider flow widget 'x' bottom=2 top=1>

alias of DividerSymbols

render(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render the divider as a canvas and return it.

>>> Divider().render((10,)).text # ... = b in Python 3
[...'          ']
>>> Divider(u'-', top=1).render((10,)).text
[...'          ', ...'----------']
>>> Divider(u'x', bottom=2).render((5,)).text
[...'xxxxx', ...'     ', ...'     ']
rows(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) int

Return the number of lines that will be rendered.

>>> Divider().rows((10,))
>>> Divider(u'x', 1, 2).rows((10,))


class urwid.LineBox(original_widget: WrappedWidget, title: str = '', title_align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align = Align.CENTER, title_attr=None, tlcorner: str = '┌', tline: str = '─', lline: str = '│', trcorner: str = '┐', blcorner: str = '└', rline: str = '│', bline: str = '─', brcorner: str = '┘')

Draw a line around original_widget.

Use ‘title’ to set an initial title text with will be centered on top of the box.

Use title_attr to apply a specific attribute to the title text.

Use title_align to align the title to the ‘left’, ‘right’, or ‘center’. The default is ‘center’.

You can also override the widgets used for the lines/corners:

tline: top line bline: bottom line lline: left line rline: right line tlcorner: top left corner trcorner: top right corner blcorner: bottom left corner brcorner: bottom right corner

If empty string is specified for one of the lines/corners, then no character will be output there. If no top/bottom/left/right lines - whole lines will be omitted. This allows for seamless use of adjoining LineBoxes.

Class attribute Symbols can be used as source for standard lines:

>>> print(LineBox(Text("Some text")).render(()))
│Some text│
>>> print(
...   LineBox(
...     Text("Some text"),
...     tlcorner=LineBox.Symbols.LIGHT.TOP_LEFT_ROUNDED,
...     trcorner=LineBox.Symbols.LIGHT.TOP_RIGHT_ROUNDED,
...     blcorner=LineBox.Symbols.LIGHT.BOTTOM_LEFT_ROUNDED,
...     brcorner=LineBox.Symbols.LIGHT.BOTTOM_RIGHT_ROUNDED,
...   ).render(())
... )
│Some text│
>>> print(
...   LineBox(
...     Text("Some text"),
...     tline=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.HORIZONTAL,
...     bline=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.HORIZONTAL,
...     lline=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.VERTICAL,
...     rline=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.VERTICAL,
...     tlcorner=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.TOP_LEFT,
...     trcorner=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.TOP_RIGHT,
...     blcorner=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.BOTTOM_LEFT,
...     brcorner=LineBox.Symbols.HEAVY.BOTTOM_RIGHT,
...   ).render(())
... )
┃Some text┃

To make Table constructions, some lineboxes need to be drawn without sides and T or CROSS symbols used for corners of cells.

property focus: Widget | None

LineBox is partially container.

While focus position is a bit hacky (formally it’s not container and only position 0 available), focus widget is always provided by original widget.


class urwid.SolidFill(fill_char: str = ' ')

A box widget that fills an area with a single character


fill_char (bytes or unicode) – character to fill area with

>>> SolidFill(u'8')
<SolidFill box widget '8'>
render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) SolidCanvas

Render the Fill as a canvas and return it.

>>> SolidFill().render((4,2)).text # ... = b in Python 3
[...'    ', ...'    ']
>>> SolidFill('#').render((5,3)).text
[...'#####', ...'#####', ...'#####']


class urwid.PopUpLauncher(original_widget: [WrappedWidget])
create_pop_up() Widget

Subclass must override this method and return a widget to be used for the pop-up. This method is called once each time the pop-up is opened.

get_pop_up_parameters() PopUpParametersModel

Subclass must override this method and have it return a dict, eg:

{‘left’:0, ‘top’:1, ‘overlay_width’:30, ‘overlay_height’:4}

This method is called each time this widget is rendered.

render(size, focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas | Canvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.


class urwid.PopUpTarget(original_widget: WrappedWidget)
keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Keyboard input handler.


None if key was handled by key (the same value passed) if key was not handled

Return type:

str | None

mouse_event(size: tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

pack(size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) Canvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.


class urwid.WidgetPlaceholder(original_widget: WrappedWidget)

This is a do-nothing decoration widget that can be used for swapping between widgets without modifying the container of this widget.

This can be useful for making an interface with a number of distinct pages or for showing and hiding menu or status bars.

The widget displayed is stored as the self.original_widget property and can be changed by assigning a new widget to it.


class urwid.WidgetDisable(original_widget: WrappedWidget)

A decoration widget that disables interaction with the widget it wraps. This widget always passes focus=False to the wrapped widget, even if it somehow does become the focus.

pack(size, focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

render(size, focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

selectable() Literal[False]

True if this is a widget that is designed to take the focus, i.e. it contains something the user might want to interact with, False otherwise,

This default implementation returns _selectable. Subclasses may leave these is if the are not selectable, or if they are always selectable they may set the _selectable class variable to True.

If this method returns True then the keypress() method must be implemented.

Returning False does not guarantee that this widget will never be in focus, only that this widget will usually be skipped over when changing focus. It is still possible for non selectable widgets to have the focus (typically when there are no other selectable widgets visible).

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

A frozenset including one or more of 'box', 'flow' and 'fixed'. Default implementation returns the value of _sizing, which for this class includes all three.

The sizing modes returned indicate the modes that may be supported by this widget, but is not sufficient to know that using that sizing mode will work. Subclasses should make an effort to remove sizing modes they know will not work given the state of the widget, but many do not yet do this.

If a sizing mode is missing from the set then the widget should fail when used in that mode.

If 'flow' is among the values returned then the other methods in this widget must be able to accept a single-element tuple (maxcol,) to their size parameter, and the rows() method must be defined.

If 'box' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept a two-element tuple (maxcol, maxrow) to their size parameter.

If 'fixed' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept an empty tuple () to their size parameter, and the pack() method must be defined.

Container Widget Classes


class urwid.Frame(body: BodyWidget, header: HeaderWidget = None, footer: FooterWidget = None, focus_part: Literal['header', 'footer', 'body'] | Widget = 'body')

Frame widget is a box widget with optional header and footer flow widgets placed above and below the box widget.


The main difference between a Frame and a Pile widget defined as: Pile([(‘pack’, header), body, (‘pack’, footer)]) is that the Frame will not automatically change focus up and down in response to keystrokes.

  • body (Widget) – a box widget for the body of the frame

  • header (Widget) – a flow widget for above the body (or None)

  • footer (Widget) – a flow widget for below the body (or None)

  • focus_part (str | Widget) – ‘header’, ‘footer’ or ‘body’

property contents: MutableMapping[Literal['header', 'footer', 'body'], tuple[BodyWidget | HeaderWidget | FooterWidget, None]]

a dict-like object similar to:

    'body': (body_widget, None),
    'header': (header_widget, None),  # if frame has a header
    'footer': (footer_widget, None) # if frame has a footer

This object may be used to read or update the contents of the Frame.

The values are similar to the list-like .contents objects used in other containers with (Widget, options) tuples, but are constrained to keys for each of the three usual parts of a Frame. When other keys are used a KeyError will be raised.

Currently, all options are None, but using the options() method to create the options value is recommended for forwards compatibility.

property focus: BodyWidget | HeaderWidget | FooterWidget

child Widget in focus: the body, header or footer widget. This is a read-only property.

property focus_position: Literal['header', 'footer', 'body']

writeable property containing an indicator which part of the frame that is in focus: ‘body’, ‘header’ or ‘footer’.


one of ‘header’, ‘footer’ or ‘body’.

Return type:


frame_top_bottom(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool) tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]

Calculate the number of rows for the header and footer.

  • size (widget size) – See Widget.render() for details

  • focus (bool) – True if this widget is in focus


(head rows, foot rows),(orig head, orig foot) orig head/foot are from rows() calls.

Return type:

(int, int), (int, int)

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return the cursor coordinates of the focus widget.

get_focus() Literal['header', 'footer', 'body']

writeable property containing an indicator which part of the frame that is in focus: ‘body’, ‘header’ or ‘footer’.


included for backwards compatibility. You should rather use the container property focus_position to get this value.


one of ‘header’, ‘footer’ or ‘body’.

Return type:


keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Pass keypress to widget in focus.

mouse_event(size: tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Pass mouse event to appropriate part of frame. Focus may be changed on button 1 press.

options() None

There are currently no options for Frame contents.

Return None as a placeholder for future options.

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.


class urwid.ListBox(body: ListWalker | Iterable[Widget])

Vertically stacked list of widgets


body (ListWalker) – a ListWalker subclass such as SimpleFocusListWalker that contains widgets to be displayed inside the list box

property body: ListWalker

a ListWalker subclass such as SimpleFocusListWalker that contains widgets to be displayed inside the list box

calculate_visible(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) VisibleInfo | tuple[None, None, None]

Returns the widgets that would be displayed in the ListBox given the current size and focus.

see Widget.render() for parameter details


(middle, top, bottom) or (None, None, None)


(row offset*(when +ve) or *inset*(when -ve), *focus widget, focus position, focus rows, cursor coords or None)


(# lines to trim off top, list of (widget, position, rows) tuples above focus in order from bottom to top)


(# lines to trim off bottom, list of (widget, position, rows) tuples below focus in order from top to bottom)

change_focus(size: tuple[int, int], position, offset_inset: int = 0, coming_from: Literal['above', 'below'] | None = None, cursor_coords: tuple[int, int] | None = None, snap_rows: int | None = None) None

Change the current focus widget. This is used internally by methods that know the widget’s size.

See also set_focus().

  • size – see Widget.render() for details

  • position – a position compatible with self._body.set_focus()

  • offset_inset (int) – either the number of rows between the top of the listbox and the start of the focus widget (+ve value) or the number of lines of the focus widget hidden off the top edge of the listbox (-ve value) or 0 if the top edge of the focus widget is aligned with the top edge of the listbox (default if unspecified)

  • coming_from (str) – either ‘above’, ‘below’ or unspecified None

  • cursor_coords ((int, int)) – (x, y) tuple indicating the desired column and row for the cursor, a (x,) tuple indicating only the column for the cursor, or unspecified

  • snap_rows (int) – the maximum number of extra rows to scroll when trying to “snap” a selectable focus into the view

property contents

An object that allows reading widgets from the ListBox’s list walker as a (widget, options) tuple. None is currently the only value for options.


This object may not be used to set or iterate over contents.

You must use the list walker stored as body to perform manipulation and iteration, if supported.

ends_visible(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) list[Literal['top', 'bottom']]

Return a list that may contain 'top' and/or 'bottom'.

i.e. this function will return one of: [], ['top'], ['bottom'] or ['top', 'bottom'].

convenience function for checking whether the top and bottom of the list are visible

property focus: Widget | None

the child widget in focus or None when ListBox is empty.

Return the widget in focus according to our list walker.

property focus_position

the position of child widget in focus. The valid values for this position depend on the list walker in use. IndexError will be raised by reading this property when the ListBox is empty or setting this property to an invalid position.

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

See Widget.get_cursor_coords() for details


Return a (focus widget, focus position) tuple, for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container properties focus and focus_position to read these values.

get_focus_offset_inset(size: tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int]

Return (offset rows, inset rows) for focus widget.

get_scrollpos(size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) int

Current scrolling position.

keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Move selection through the list elements scrolling when necessary. Keystrokes are first passed to widget in focus in case that widget can handle them.

Keystrokes handled by this widget are:

‘up’ up one line (or widget) ‘down’ down one line (or widget) ‘page up’ move cursor up one listbox length (or widget) ‘page down’ move cursor down one listbox length (or widget)

make_cursor_visible(size: tuple[int, int]) None

Shift the focus widget so that its cursor is visible.

mouse_event(size: tuple[int, int], event, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Pass the event to the contained widgets. May change focus on button 1 press.


There are currently no options for ListBox contents.

Return None as a placeholder for future options.

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas | SolidCanvas

Render ListBox and return canvas.

see Widget.render() for details

require_relative_scroll(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) bool

Widget require relative scroll due to performance limitations of real lines count calculation.

rows_max(size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) int

Scrollable protocol for sized iterable and not wrapped around contents.

set_focus(position, coming_from: Literal['above', 'below'] | None = None) None

Set the focus position and try to keep the old focus in view.

  • position – a position compatible with self._body.set_focus()

  • coming_from (str) – set to ‘above’ or ‘below’ if you know that old position is above or below the new position.

set_focus_valign(valign: Literal['top', 'middle', 'bottom'] | VAlign | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int])

Set the focus widget’s display offset and inset.


valign – one of: ‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’ (‘relative’, percentage 0=top 100=bottom)

shift_focus(size: tuple[int, int], offset_inset: int) None

Move the location of the current focus relative to the top. This is used internally by methods that know the widget’s size.

See also set_focus_valign().

  • size – see Widget.render() for details

  • offset_inset (int) – either the number of rows between the top of the listbox and the start of the focus widget (+ve value) or the number of lines of the focus widget hidden off the top edge of the listbox (-ve value) or 0 if the top edge of the focus widget is aligned with the top edge of the listbox.

update_pref_col_from_focus(size: tuple[int, int]) None

Update self.pref_col from the focus widget.


class urwid.TreeListBox(body: ListWalker | Iterable[Widget])

A ListBox with special handling for navigation and collapsing of TreeWidgets


body (ListWalker) – a ListWalker subclass such as SimpleFocusListWalker that contains widgets to be displayed inside the list box

collapse_focus_parent(size: tuple[int, int]) None

Collapse parent directory.

focus_end(size: tuple[int, int]) None

Move focus to far bottom.

focus_home(size: tuple[int, int]) None

Move focus to very top.

keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Move selection through the list elements scrolling when necessary. Keystrokes are first passed to widget in focus in case that widget can handle them.

Keystrokes handled by this widget are:

‘up’ up one line (or widget) ‘down’ down one line (or widget) ‘page up’ move cursor up one listbox length (or widget) ‘page down’ move cursor down one listbox length (or widget)

move_focus_to_parent(size: tuple[int, int]) None

Move focus to parent of widget in focus.

unhandled_input(size: tuple[int, int], data: str) str | None

Handle macro-navigation keys


class urwid.Columns(widget_list: Iterable[Widget | tuple[Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | int, Widget] | tuple[Literal['given', WHSettings.GIVEN], int, Widget] | tuple[Literal['weight', WHSettings.WEIGHT], int | float, Widget]], dividechars: int = 0, focus_column: int | Widget | None = None, min_width: int = 1, box_columns: Iterable[int] | None = None)

Widgets arranged horizontally in columns from left to right

  • widget_list – iterable of flow or box widgets

  • dividechars – number of blank characters between columns

  • focus_column – index into widget_list of column in focus or focused widget instance, if None the first selectable widget will be chosen.

  • min_width – minimum width for each column which is not calling widget.pack() in widget_list.

  • box_columns – a list of column indexes containing box widgets whose height is set to the maximum of the rows required by columns not listed in box_columns.

widget_list may also contain tuples such as:

(given_width, widget)

make this column given_width screen columns wide, where given_width is an int

('pack', widget)

call pack() to calculate the width of this column

('weight', weight, widget)

give this column a relative weight (number) to calculate its width from th screen columns remaining

Widgets not in a tuple are the same as ('weight', 1, widget)

If the Columns widget is treated as a box widget then all children are treated as box widgets, and box_columns is ignored.

If the Columns widget is treated as a flow widget then the rows are calculated as the largest rows() returned from all columns except the ones listed in box_columns. The box widgets in box_columns will be displayed with this calculated number of rows, filling the full height.

property box_columns: MonitoredList

A list of the indexes of the columns that are to be treated as box widgets when the Columns is treated as a flow widget.


only for backwards compatibility. You should use the new standard container property contents.

property column_types: MonitoredList

A list of the old partial options values for widgets in this Pile, for backwards compatibility only. You should use the new standard container property .contents to modify Pile contents.

column_widths(size: tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) list[int]

Return a list of column widths.

0 values in the list means hide the corresponding column completely

property contents: MonitoredFocusList[tuple[Widget, tuple[Literal[WHSettings.PACK], None, bool] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int, bool] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int | float, bool]]]

The contents of this Columns as a list of (widget, options) tuples. This list may be modified like a normal list and the Columns widget will update automatically.

See also

Create new options tuples with the options() method

property focus: Widget | None

the child widget in focus or None when Columns is empty

Return the widget in focus, for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property .focus to get the child widget in focus.

property focus_col

A property for reading and setting the index of the column in focus.


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus_position to get the focus.

property focus_position: int | None

index of child widget in focus. Raises IndexError if read when Columns is empty, or when set to an invalid index.

get_column_sizes(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int] | tuple[()], focus: bool = False) tuple[Sequence[int], Sequence[int], Sequence[tuple[int, int] | tuple[int] | tuple[()]]]

Get column widths, heights and render size parameters

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return the cursor coordinates from the focus widget.


Return the widget in focus, for backwards compatibility.


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus to get the focus.

get_focus_column() int

Return the focus column index.


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus_position to get the focus.

get_pref_col(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) int

Return the pref col from the column in focus.

property has_flow_type: bool

Deprecated since version 1.0: Read values from contents instead.

keypress(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Pass keypress to the focus column.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – Widget size correct for the supported sizing

  • key (str) – a single keystroke value

mouse_event(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Send event to appropriate column. May change focus on button 1 press.

move_cursor_to_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], col: int | Literal['left', 'right'], row: int) bool

Choose a selectable column to focus based on the coords.

see Widget.move_cursor_coords() for details

static options(width_type: Literal['pack', 'given', 'weight', WHSettings.PACK, WHSettings.GIVEN, WHSettings.WEIGHT] = WHSettings.WEIGHT, width_amount: int | float | None = 1, box_widget: bool = False) tuple[Literal[WHSettings.PACK], None, bool] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int, bool] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int | float, bool]

Return a new options tuple for use in a Pile’s .contents list.

This sets an entry’s width type: one of the following:


Call the widget’s Widget.pack() method to determine how wide this column should be. width_amount is ignored.


Make column exactly width_amount screen-columns wide.


Allocate the remaining space to this column by using width_amount as a weight value.

  • width_type'pack', 'given' or 'weight'

  • width_amountNone for 'pack', a number of screen columns for 'given' or a weight value (number) for 'weight'

  • box_widget (bool) – set to True if this widget is to be treated as a box widget when the Columns widget itself is treated as a flow widget.

pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int] = (), focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

Get packed sized for widget.

render(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) SolidCanvas | CompositeCanvas

Render columns and return canvas.

  • size – see Widget.render() for details

  • focus (bool) – True if this widget is in focus

rows(size: tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) int

Return the number of rows required by the columns. This only makes sense if widget_list contains flow widgets.

see Widget.rows() for details

set_focus(item: Widget | int) None

Set the item in focus


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus_position to get the focus.


item – widget or integer index

set_focus_column(num: int) None

Set the column in focus by its index in widget_list.


num (int) – index of focus-to-be entry


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus_position to set the focus.

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

Sizing supported by widget.


Calculated widget sizing

Return type:


Due to the nature of container with mutable contents, this method cannot be cached.

Rules: * WEIGHT BOX -> BOX * GIVEN BOX -> Can be included in FIXED and FLOW depends on the other columns * PACK BOX -> Unsupported * BOX-only widget without box_columns disallow FLOW render


  • GIVEN FLOW -> FIXED (known width and widget knows its height) + FLOW (historic)

  • PACK FLOW -> FLOW (widget fit in provided size)

  • WEIGHT FIXED -> Need also FLOW or/and BOX to properly render due to width calculation

  • GIVEN FIXED -> Unsupported

  • PACK FIXED -> FIXED (widget knows its size)

Backward compatibility rules: * GIVEN BOX -> Allow BOX

BOX can be only if ALL widgets support BOX. FIXED can be only if no BOX without “box_columns” flag and no strict FLOW.

>>> from urwid import BigText, Edit, SolidFill, Text, Thin3x3Font
>>> font = Thin3x3Font()

# BOX-only widget >>> Columns((SolidFill(“#”),)) <Columns box widget (1 item)>

# BOX-only widget with “get height from max” >>> Columns((SolidFill(“#”),), box_columns=(0,)) <Columns box widget (1 item)>

# FLOW-only >>> Columns((Edit(),)) <Columns selectable flow widget (1 item)>

# FLOW allowed by “box_columns” >>> Columns((Edit(), SolidFill(“#”)), box_columns=(1,)) <Columns selectable flow widget (2 items) focus_column=0>

# FLOW/FIXED >>> Columns((Text(“T”),)) <Columns fixed/flow widget (1 item)>

# GIVEN BOX only -> BOX only >>> Columns(((5, SolidFill(“#”)),), box_columns=(0,)) <Columns box widget (1 item)>

# No FLOW - BOX only >>> Columns(((5, SolidFill(“#”)), SolidFill(“*”)), box_columns=(0, 1)) <Columns box widget (2 items) focus_column=0>

# FIXED only -> FIXED (and FLOW via drop/expand) >>> Columns(((WHSettings.PACK, BigText(“1”, font)),)) <Columns fixed/flow widget (1 item)>

# Invalid sizing combination -> use fallback settings (and produce warning) >>> Columns(((WHSettings.PACK, SolidFill(“#”)),)) <Columns box/flow widget (1 item)>

# Special case: empty columns widget sizing is impossible to calculate >>> Columns(()) <Columns box/flow widget ()>

property widget_list: MonitoredList

A list of the widgets in this Columns


only for backwards compatibility. You should use the new standard container property contents.


class urwid.Pile(widget_list: Iterable[Widget | tuple[Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | int, Widget] | tuple[Literal['given', WHSettings.GIVEN], int, Widget] | tuple[Literal['weight', WHSettings.WEIGHT], int | float, Widget]], focus_item: Widget | int | None = None)

A pile of widgets stacked vertically from top to bottom

  • widget_list (iterable) – child widgets

  • focus_item (Widget or int) – child widget that gets the focus initially. Chooses the first selectable widget if unset.

widget_list may also contain tuples such as:

(given_height, widget)

always treat widget as a box widget and give it given_height rows, where given_height is an int

('pack', widget)

allow widget to calculate its own height by calling its rows() method, i.e. treat it as a flow widget.

('weight', weight, widget)

if the pile is treated as a box widget then treat widget as a box widget with a height based on its relative weight value, otherwise treat the same as ('pack', widget).

Widgets not in a tuple are the same as ('weight', 1, widget)`


If the Pile is treated as a box widget there must be at least one 'weight' tuple in widget_list.

property contents: MonitoredFocusList[Widget, tuple[Literal[WHSettings.PACK], None] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int | float]]

The contents of this Pile as a list of (widget, options) tuples.

options currently may be one of

('pack', None)

allow widget to calculate its own height by calling its rows method, i.e. treat it as a flow widget.

('given', n)

Always treat widget as a box widget with a given height of n rows.

('weight', w)

If the Pile itself is treated as a box widget then the value w will be used as a relative weight for assigning rows to this box widget. If the Pile is being treated as a flow widget then this is the same as ('pack', None) and the w value is ignored.

If the Pile itself is treated as a box widget then at least one widget must have a ('weight', w) options value, or the Pile will not be able to grow to fill the required number of rows.

This list may be modified like a normal list and the Pile widget will updated automatically.

See also

Create new options tuples with the options() method

property focus: Widget | None

the child widget in focus or None when Pile is empty

property focus_position: int

index of child widget in focus. Raises IndexError if read when Pile is empty, or when set to an invalid index.

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return the cursor coordinates of the focus widget.

get_focus() Widget | None

Return the widget in focus, for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property .focus to get the child widget in focus.

get_item_rows(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool) list[int]

Return a list of the number of rows used by each widget in self.contents

get_item_size(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], i: int, focus: bool, item_rows: list[int] | None = None) tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]

Return a size appropriate for passing to self.contents[i][0].render

get_pref_col(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) int | None

Return the preferred column for the cursor, or None.

get_rows_sizes(size: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int] | tuple[()], focus: bool = False) tuple[Sequence[int], Sequence[int], Sequence[tuple[int, int] | tuple[int] | tuple[()]]]

Get rows widths, heights and render size parameters

property item_types

A list of the options values for widgets in this Pile.


only for backwards compatibility. You should use the new standard container property contents.

keypress(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Pass the keypress to the widget in focus.

Unhandled ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys may cause a focus change.

mouse_event(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Pass the event to the contained widget.

May change focus on button 1 press.

move_cursor_to_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], col: int, row: int) bool

Capture pref col and set new focus.

static options(height_type: Literal['pack', 'given', 'weight'] | WHSettings = WHSettings.WEIGHT, height_amount: int | float | None = 1) tuple[Literal[WHSettings.PACK], None] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int] | tuple[Literal[WHSettings.WEIGHT], int | float]

Return a new options tuple for use in a Pile’s contents list.

  • height_type'pack', 'given' or 'weight'

  • height_amountNone for 'pack', a number of rows for 'fixed' or a weight value (number) for 'weight'

pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int] = (), focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

Get packed sized for widget.

render(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) SolidCanvas | CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

Sizing supported by widget.


Calculated widget sizing

Return type:


Due to the nature of container with mutable contents, this method cannot be cached.

Rules: * WEIGHT BOX -> BOX * GIVEN BOX -> FLOW (height is known) & BOX (can be shrinked/padded) * PACK BOX -> Unsupported


  • GIVEN FLOW -> Unsupported


  • WEIGHT FIXED -> Need also FLOW or/and BOX to properly render due to width calculation

  • GIVEN FIXED -> Unsupported

  • PACK FIXED -> FIXED (widget knows its size)

>>> from urwid import BigText, ProgressBar, SolidFill, Text, Thin3x3Font
>>> font = Thin3x3Font()

# BOX-only widget >>> Pile((SolidFill(“#”),)) <Pile box widget (1 item)>

# GIVEN BOX -> BOX/FLOW >>> Pile(((10, SolidFill(“#”)),)) <Pile box/flow widget (1 item)>

# FLOW-only >>> Pile((ProgressBar(None, None),)) <Pile flow widget (1 item)>

# FIXED -> FIXED >>> Pile(((WHSettings.PACK, BigText(“0”, font)),)) <Pile fixed widget (1 item)>

# FLOW/FIXED -> FLOW/FIXED >>> Pile(((WHSettings.PACK, Text(“text”)),)) <Pile fixed/flow widget (1 item)>

# FLOW + FIXED widgets -> FLOW/FIXED >>> Pile((ProgressBar(None, None), (WHSettings.PACK, BigText(“0”, font)))) <Pile fixed/flow widget (2 items) focus_item=0>

# GIVEN BOX + FIXED widgets -> BOX/FLOW/FIXED (GIVEN BOX allows overriding its height & allows any width) >>> Pile(((10, SolidFill(“#”)), (WHSettings.PACK, BigText(“0”, font)))) <Pile widget (2 items) focus_item=0>

# Invalid sizing combination -> use fallback settings (and produce warning) >>> Pile(((WHSettings.WEIGHT, 1, BigText(“0”, font)),)) <Pile box/flow widget (1 item)>

# Special case: empty pile widget sizing is impossible to calculate >>> Pile(()) <Pile box/flow widget ()>

property widget_list

A list of the widgets in this Pile


only for backwards compatibility. You should use the new standard container property contents.


class urwid.GridFlow(cells: Iterable[Widget], cell_width: int, h_sep: int, v_sep: int, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int], focus: int | Widget | None = None)

The GridFlow widget is a flow widget that renders all the widgets it contains the same width, and it arranges them from left to right and top to bottom.

  • cells – iterable of flow widgets to display

  • cell_width – column width for each cell

  • h_sep – blank columns between each cell horizontally

  • v_sep – blank rows between cells vertically (if more than one row is required to display all the cells)

  • align – horizontal alignment of cells, one of: ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’, (‘relative’, percentage 0=left 100=right)

  • focus – widget index or widget instance to focus on

property cell_width: int

The width of each cell in the GridFlow. Setting this value affects all cells.

property cells

A list of the widgets in this GridFlow


only for backwards compatibility. You should use the new standard container property contents to modify GridFlow contents.

property contents: MonitoredFocusList[tuple[Widget, tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int]]]

The contents of this GridFlow as a list of (widget, options) tuples.

options is currently a tuple in the form (‘fixed’, number). number is the number of screen columns to allocate to this cell. ‘fixed’ is the only type accepted at this time.

This list may be modified like a normal list and the GridFlow widget will update automatically.

See also

Create new options tuples with the options() method.

property focus: Widget | None

the child widget in focus or None when GridFlow is empty

property focus_position: int | None

index of child widget in focus. Raises IndexError if read when GridFlow is empty, or when set to an invalid index.

generate_display_widget(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()]) Divider | Pile

Actually generate display widget (ignoring cache)

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()]) tuple[int, int]

Get cursor from display widget.

get_display_widget(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()]) Divider | Pile

Arrange the cells into columns (and possibly a pile) for display, input or to calculate rows, and update the display widget.


Return the widget in focus, for backwards compatibility.


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus to get the focus.

get_pref_col(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()])

Return pref col from display widget.

keypress(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], key: str) str | None

Pass keypress to display widget for handling. Captures focus changes.

mouse_event(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) Literal[True]

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

move_cursor_to_coords(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], col: int, row: int)

Set the widget in focus based on the col + row.

options(width_type: Literal['given', WHSettings.GIVEN] = WHSettings.GIVEN, width_amount: int | None = None) tuple[Literal[WHSettings.GIVEN], int]

Return a new options tuple for use in a GridFlow’s .contents list.

width_type – ‘given’ is the only value accepted width_amount – None to use the default cell_width for this GridFlow

pack(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()] = (), focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

render(size: tuple[int] | tuple[()], focus: bool = False)

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

set_focus(cell: Widget | int) None

Set the cell in focus, for backwards compatibility.


only for backwards compatibility. You may also use the new standard container property focus_position to get the focus.


cell (Widget or int) – contained element to focus

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

Widget sizing.

..note:: Empty widget sizing is limited to the FLOW due to no data for width.


class urwid.BoxAdapter(box_widget: WrappedWidget, height: int)

Adapter for using a box widget where a flow widget would usually go

Create a flow widget that contains a box widget

  • box_widget (Widget) – box widget to wrap

  • height (int) – number of rows for box widget

>>> from urwid import SolidFill
>>> BoxAdapter(SolidFill(u"x"), 5) # 5-rows of x's
<BoxAdapter flow widget <SolidFill box widget 'x'> height=5>
keypress(size: tuple[int], key: str) str | None

Keyboard input handler.


None if key was handled by key (the same value passed) if key was not handled

Return type:

str | None

mouse_event(size: tuple[int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

render(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

rows(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) int

Return the predetermined height (behave like a flow widget)

>>> from urwid import SolidFill
>>> BoxAdapter(SolidFill(u"x"), 5).rows((20,))
sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

A frozenset including one or more of 'box', 'flow' and 'fixed'. Default implementation returns the value of _sizing, which for this class includes all three.

The sizing modes returned indicate the modes that may be supported by this widget, but is not sufficient to know that using that sizing mode will work. Subclasses should make an effort to remove sizing modes they know will not work given the state of the widget, but many do not yet do this.

If a sizing mode is missing from the set then the widget should fail when used in that mode.

If 'flow' is among the values returned then the other methods in this widget must be able to accept a single-element tuple (maxcol,) to their size parameter, and the rows() method must be defined.

If 'box' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept a two-element tuple (maxcol, maxrow) to their size parameter.

If 'fixed' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept an empty tuple () to their size parameter, and the pack() method must be defined.


class urwid.Overlay(top_w: TopWidget, bottom_w: BottomWidget, align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align | tuple[Literal['relative', 'fixed left', 'fixed right', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int], width: Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None, valign: Literal['top', 'middle', 'bottom'] | VAlign | tuple[Literal['relative', 'fixed top', 'fixed bottom', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int], height: Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None, min_width: int | None = None, min_height: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0)

Overlay contains two widgets and renders one on top of the other.

Top widget can be Box, Flow or Fixed. Bottom widget should be Box.

  • top_w (Widget) – a flow, box or fixed widget to overlay “on top”.

  • bottom_w (Widget) – a box widget to appear “below” previous widget.

  • align (Literal["left", "center", "right"] | tuple[Literal["relative"], int]) – alignment, one of 'left', 'center', 'right' or ('relative', percentage 0=left 100=right)

  • width (Literal["pack"] | int | tuple[Literal["relative"], int]) –

    width type, one of: 'pack'

    if top_w is a fixed widget

    given width

    integer number of columns wide

    ('relative', percentage of total width)

    make top_w width related to container width

  • valign (Literal["top", "middle", "bottom"] | tuple[Literal["relative"], int]) – alignment mode, one of 'top', 'middle', 'bottom' or ('relative', percentage 0=top 100=bottom)

  • height (Literal["pack"] | int | tuple[Literal["relative"], int]) –

    one of: 'pack'

    if top_w is a flow or fixed widget

    given height

    integer number of rows high

    ('relative', percentage of total height)

    make top_w height related to container height

  • min_width (int) – the minimum number of columns for top_w when width is not fixed.

  • min_height (int) – minimum number of rows for top_w when height is not fixed.

  • left (int) – a fixed number of columns to add on the left.

  • right (int) – a fixed number of columns to add on the right.

  • top (int) – a fixed number of rows to add on the top.

  • bottom (int) – a fixed number of rows to add on the bottom.

Overlay widgets behave similarly to Padding and Filler widgets when determining the size and position of top_w. bottom_w is always rendered the full size available “below” top_w.

calculate_padding_filler(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool) tuple[int, int, int, int]

Return (padding left, right, filler top, bottom).

property contents: MutableSequence[tuple[TopWidget | BottomWidget, OverlayOptions]]

a list-like object similar to:

[(bottom_w, bottom_options)),
 (top_w, top_options)]

This object may be used to read or update top and bottom widgets and top widgets’s options, but no widgets may be added or removed.

top_options takes the form (align_type, align_amount, width_type, width_amount, min_width, left, right, valign_type, valign_amount, height_type, height_amount, min_height, top, bottom)

bottom_options is always (‘left’, None, ‘relative’, 100, None, 0, 0, ‘top’, None, ‘relative’, 100, None, 0, 0) which means that bottom widget always covers the full area of the Overlay. writing a different value for bottom_options raises an OverlayError.

property focus: TopWidget

Read-only property returning the child widget in focus for container widgets. This default implementation always returns None, indicating that this widget has no children.

property focus_position: Literal[1]

Return the top widget position (currently always 1).

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return cursor coords from top_w, if any.

keypress(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Pass keypress to top_w.

mouse_event(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Pass event to top_w, ignore if outside of top_w.

static options(align_type: Literal['left', 'center', 'right', 'relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE] | Align, align_amount: int | None, width_type: Literal['clip', 'pack', 'relative', 'given'] | WHSettings, width_amount: int | None, valign_type: Literal['top', 'middle', 'bottom', 'relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE] | VAlign, valign_amount: int | None, height_type: Literal['flow', 'pack', 'relative', 'given'] | WHSettings, height_amount: int | None, min_width: int | None = None, min_height: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0) OverlayOptions

Return a new options tuple for use in this Overlay’s .contents mapping.

This is the common container API to create options for replacing the top widget of this Overlay. It is provided for completeness but is not necessarily the easiest way to change the overlay parameters. See also set_overlay_parameters()

pack(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int] = (), focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

render(size: tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render top_w overlayed on bottom_w.

rows(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) int

Widget rows amount for FLOW sizing.

selectable() bool

Return selectable from top_w.

set_overlay_parameters(align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] | Align | tuple[Literal['relative', 'fixed left', 'fixed right', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int], width: Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None, valign: Literal['top', 'middle', 'bottom'] | VAlign | tuple[Literal['relative', 'fixed top', 'fixed bottom', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int], height: Literal['pack', WHSettings.PACK] | int | tuple[Literal['relative', WHSettings.RELATIVE], int] | None, min_width: int | None = None, min_height: int | None = None, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, top: int = 0, bottom: int = 0) None

Adjust the overlay size and position parameters.

See __init__() for a description of the parameters.

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

Actual widget sizing.


Sizing information depends on the top widget sizing and sizing parameters.

Return type:


Rules: * BOX sizing is always supported provided by the bottom widget * FLOW sizing is supported if top widget has: * * PACK height type and FLOW supported by the TOP widget * * BOX supported by TOP widget AND height amount AND height type GIVEN of min_height * FIXED sizing is supported if top widget has: * * PACK width type and FIXED supported by the TOP widget * * width amount and GIVEN width or min_width AND: * * * FLOW supported by the TOP widget AND PACK height type * * * BOX supported by the TOP widget AND height_amount and GIVEN height or min height

top_w_size(size: tuple[int, int], left: int, right: int, top: int, bottom: int) tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]

Return the size to pass to top_w.

Graphic Widget Classes


class urwid.BarGraph(attlist, hatt=None, satt=None)

Create a bar graph with the passed display characteristics. see set_segment_attributes for a description of the parameters.

calculate_bar_widths(size: tuple[int, int], bardata)

Return a list of bar widths, one for each bar in data.

If self.bar_width is None this implementation will stretch the bars across the available space specified by maxcol.

calculate_display(size: tuple[int, int])

Calculate display data.

hlines_display(disp, top: int, hlines, maxrow: int)

Add hlines to display structure represented as bar_type tuple values: (bg, 0-5) bg is the segment that has the hline on it 0-5 is the hline graphic to use where 0 is a regular underscore and 1-5 are the UTF-8 horizontal scan line characters.

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render BarGraph.

selectable() Literal[False]

Return False.

set_bar_width(width: int | None)

Set a preferred bar width for calculate_bar_widths to use.

width – width of bar or None for automatic width adjustment

set_data(bardata, top: float, hlines=None) None

Store bar data, bargraph top and horizontal line positions.

bardata – a list of bar values. top – maximum value for segments within bardata hlines – None or a bar value marking horizontal line positions

bar values are [ segment1, segment2, … ] lists where top is the maximal value corresponding to the top of the bar graph and segment1, segment2, … are the values for the top of each segment of this bar. Simple bar graphs will only have one segment in each bar value.

Eg: if top is 100 and there is a bar value of [ 80, 30 ] then the top of this bar will be at 80% of full height of the graph and it will have a second segment that starts at 30%.

set_segment_attributes(attlist, hatt=None, satt=None)
  • attlist – list containing display attribute or (display attribute, character) tuple for background, first segment, and optionally following segments. ie. len(attlist) == num segments+1 character defaults to ‘ ‘ if not specified.

  • hatt – list containing attributes for horizontal lines. First element is for lines on background, second is for lines on first segment, third is for lines on second segment etc.

  • satt

    dictionary containing attributes for smoothed transitions of bars in UTF-8 display mode. The values are in the form:

    (fg,bg) : attr

    fg and bg are integers where 0 is the graph background, 1 is the first segment, 2 is the second, … fg > bg in all values. attr is an attribute with a foreground corresponding to fg and a background corresponding to bg.

If satt is not None and the bar graph is being displayed in a terminal using the UTF-8 encoding then the character cell that is shared between the segments specified will be smoothed with using the UTF-8 vertical eighth characters.

eg: set_segment_attributes( [‘no’, (‘unsure’,”?”), ‘yes’] ) will use the attribute ‘no’ for the background (the area from the top of the graph to the top of the bar), question marks with the attribute ‘unsure’ will be used for the topmost segment of the bar, and the attribute ‘yes’ will be used for the bottom segment of the bar.


smooth (col, row*8) display into (col, row) display using UTF vertical eighth characters represented as bar_type tuple values: ( fg, bg, 1-7 ) where fg is the lower segment, bg is the upper segment and 1-7 is the vertical eighth character to use.


class urwid.GraphVScale([(label1 position, label1 markup), ..., ]top)

label position – 0 < position < top for the y position label markup – text markup for this label top – top y position

This widget is a vertical scale for the BarGraph widget that can correspond to the BarGraph’s horizontal lines

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) SolidCanvas | CompositeCanvas

Render GraphVScale.

selectable() Literal[False]

Return False.

set_scale([(label1 position, label1 markup), ..., ]top)

label position – 0 < position < top for the y position label markup – text markup for this label top – top y position


class urwid.ProgressBar(normal, complete, current: int = 0, done: int = 100, satt=None)
  • normal – display attribute for incomplete part of progress bar

  • complete – display attribute for complete part of progress bar

  • current – current progress

  • done – progress amount at 100%

  • satt – display attribute for smoothed part of bar where the foreground of satt corresponds to the normal part and the background corresponds to the complete part. If satt is None then no smoothing will be done.

>>> from urwid import LineBox
>>> pb = ProgressBar('a', 'b')
>>> pb
<ProgressBar flow widget>
>>> print(pb.get_text())
0 %
>>> pb.set_completion(34.42)
>>> print(pb.get_text())
34 %
>>> class CustomProgressBar(ProgressBar):
...     def get_text(self):
...         return u'Foobar'
>>> cpb = CustomProgressBar('a', 'b')
>>> print(cpb.get_text())
>>> for x in range(101):
...     cpb.set_completion(x)
...     s = cpb.render((10, ))
>>> cpb2 = CustomProgressBar('a', 'b', satt='c')
>>> for x in range(101):
...     cpb2.set_completion(x)
...     s = cpb2.render((10, ))
>>> pb = ProgressBar('a', 'b', satt='c')
>>> pb.set_completion(34.56)
>>> print(LineBox(pb).render((20,)))
│      ▏34 %       │
get_text() str

Return the progress bar percentage text. You can override this method to display custom text.

render(size: tuple[int], focus: bool = False) TextCanvas

Render the progress bar.

set_completion(current: int) None

current – current progress


class urwid.BigText(markup, font: Font)

markup – same as Text widget markup font – instance of a Font class


Returns (text, attributes).

pack(size: tuple[()] | None = (), focus: bool = False) tuple[int, int]

See Widget.render() for parameter details.


A “packed” size (maxcol, maxrow) for this widget

Calculate and return a minimum size where all content could still be displayed. Fixed widgets must implement this method and return their size when () is passed as the size parameter.

This default implementation returns the size passed, or the maxcol passed and the value of rows() as the maxrow when (maxcol,) is passed as the size parameter.


This is a new method that hasn’t been fully implemented across the standard widget types. In particular it has not yet been implemented for container widgets.

Text widgets have implemented this method. You can use Text.pack() to calculate the minimum columns and rows required to display a text widget without wrapping, or call it iteratively to calculate the minimum number of columns required to display the text wrapped into a target number of rows.

render(size: tuple[()], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

urwid.get_all_fonts() list[tuple[str, FontRegistry]]

List of (font name, font class) tuples.


class urwid.Terminal(command: Sequence[str | bytes] | Callable[[], Any] | None, env: Mapping[str, str] | Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, main_loop: event_loop.EventLoop | None = None, escape_sequence: str | None = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8')

A terminal emulator within a widget.

command is the command to execute inside the terminal, provided as a list of the command followed by its arguments. If ‘command’ is None, the command is the current user’s shell. You can also provide a callable instead of a command, which will be executed in the subprocess.

env can be used to pass custom environment variables. If omitted, os.environ is used.

main_loop should be provided, because the canvas state machine needs to act on input from the PTY master device. This object must have watch_file and remove_watch_file methods.

escape_sequence is the urwid key symbol which should be used to break out of the terminal widget. If it’s not specified, ctrl a is used.

encoding specifies the encoding that is being used when local keypresses in Unicode are encoded into raw bytes. UTF-8 is used by default. Set this to the encoding of your terminal if you need to transmit characters to the spawned process in non-UTF8 encoding. Applies to Python 3.x only.


If you notice your Terminal instance is not printing unicode glyphs correctly, make sure the global encoding for urwid is set to utf8 with urwid.set_encoding("utf8"). See Encodings Supported for more details.

change_focus(has_focus) None

Ignore SIGINT if this widget has focus.

get_cursor_coords(size: tuple[int, int]) tuple[int, int] | None

Return the cursor coordinates for this terminal

keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Keyboard input handler.


None if key was handled by key (the same value passed) if key was not handled

Return type:

str | None

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) TermCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

respond(string: str) None

Respond to the underlying application with ‘string’.

Scroll Widget Classes


class urwid.Scrollable(widget: WrappedWidget, force_forward_keypress: bool = False)

Box widget that makes a fixed or flow widget vertically scrollable


Focusable widgets are handled, including switching focus, but possibly not intuitively, depending on the arrangement of widgets.

When switching focus to a widget that is ouside of the visible part of the original widget, the canvas scrolls up/down to the focused widget.

It would be better to scroll until the next focusable widget is in sight first. But for that to work we must somehow obtain a list of focusable rows in the original canvas.

get_scrollpos(size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) int

Current scrolling position.

Lower limit is 0, upper limit is the maximum number of rows with the given maxcol minus maxrow.


The returned value may be too low or too high if the position has changed but the widget wasn’t rendered yet.

keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Keyboard input handler.


None if key was handled by key (the same value passed) if key was not handled

Return type:

str | None

mouse_event(size: tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) CompositeCanvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

rows_max(size: tuple[int, int] | None = None, focus: bool = False) int

Return the number of rows for size

If size is not given, the currently rendered number of rows is returned.

selectable() bool

True if this is a widget that is designed to take the focus, i.e. it contains something the user might want to interact with, False otherwise,

This default implementation returns _selectable. Subclasses may leave these is if the are not selectable, or if they are always selectable they may set the _selectable class variable to True.

If this method returns True then the keypress() method must be implemented.

Returning False does not guarantee that this widget will never be in focus, only that this widget will usually be skipped over when changing focus. It is still possible for non selectable widgets to have the focus (typically when there are no other selectable widgets visible).

set_scrollpos(position: SupportsInt) None

Set scrolling position

If position is positive it is interpreted as lines from the top. If position is negative it is interpreted as lines from the bottom.

Values that are too high or too low values are automatically adjusted during rendering.

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

A frozenset including one or more of 'box', 'flow' and 'fixed'. Default implementation returns the value of _sizing, which for this class includes all three.

The sizing modes returned indicate the modes that may be supported by this widget, but is not sufficient to know that using that sizing mode will work. Subclasses should make an effort to remove sizing modes they know will not work given the state of the widget, but many do not yet do this.

If a sizing mode is missing from the set then the widget should fail when used in that mode.

If 'flow' is among the values returned then the other methods in this widget must be able to accept a single-element tuple (maxcol,) to their size parameter, and the rows() method must be defined.

If 'box' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept a two-element tuple (maxcol, maxrow) to their size parameter.

If 'fixed' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept an empty tuple () to their size parameter, and the pack() method must be defined.


class urwid.ScrollBar(widget: WrappedWidget, thumb_char: str = ScrollbarSymbols.FULL_BLOCK, trough_char: str = ' ', side: Literal['left', 'right'] = 'right', width: int = 1)

Box widget that adds a scrollbar to widget

widget must be a box widget with the following methods:
  • get_scrollpos takes the arguments size and focus and returns the index of the first visible row.

  • set_scrollpos (optional; needed for mouse click support) takes the index of the first visible row.

  • rows_max takes size and focus and returns the total number of rows widget can render.

thumb_char is the character used for the scrollbar handle. trough_char is used for the space above and below the handle. side must be ‘left’ or ‘right’. width specifies the number of columns the scrollbar uses.


alias of ScrollbarSymbols

keypress(size: tuple[int, int], key: str) str | None

Keyboard input handler.


None if key was handled by key (the same value passed) if key was not handled

Return type:

str | None

mouse_event(size: tuple[int, int], event: str, button: int, col: int, row: int, focus: bool) bool | None

Mouse event handler.

  • size (tuple[()] | tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]) – See Widget.render() for details.

  • event (str) – Values such as 'mouse press', 'ctrl mouse press', 'mouse release', 'meta mouse release', 'mouse drag'; see Mouse Input

  • button (int) – 1 through 5 for press events, often 0 for release events (which button was released is often not known)

  • col (int) – Column of the event, 0 is the left edge of this widget

  • row (int) – Row of the event, 0 it the top row of this widget

  • focus (bool) – Set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


True if the event was handled by this widget, False otherwise

Return type:

bool | None

render(size: tuple[int, int], focus: bool = False) Canvas

Render widget and produce canvas

  • size (widget size) –

    One of the following, maxcol and maxrow are integers > 0:

    (maxcol, maxrow)

    for box sizing – the parent chooses the exact size of this widget


    for flow sizing – the parent chooses only the number of columns for this widget


    for fixed sizing – this widget is a fixed size which can’t be adjusted by the parent

  • focus (bool) – set to True if this widget or one of its children is in focus


A Canvas subclass instance containing the rendered content of this widget

Text widgets return a TextCanvas (arbitrary text and display attributes), SolidFill widgets return a SolidCanvas (a single character repeated across the whole surface) and container widgets return a CompositeCanvas (one or more other canvases arranged arbitrarily).

If focus is False, the returned canvas may not have a cursor position set.

There is some metaclass magic defined in the Widget metaclass WidgetMeta that causes the result of this method to be cached by CanvasCache. Later calls will automatically look up the value in the cache first.

As a small optimization the class variable ignore_focus may be defined and set to True if this widget renders the same canvas regardless of the value of the focus parameter.

Any time the content of a widget changes it should call _invalidate() to remove any cached canvases, or the widget may render the cached canvas instead of creating a new one.

property scrollbar_side: Literal['left', 'right']

Where to display the scrollbar; must be ‘left’ or ‘right’

property scrollbar_width: int

Columns the scrollbar uses

property scrolling_base_widget: SupportsScroll | SupportsRelativeScroll

Nearest original_widget that is compatible with the scrolling API

selectable() bool

True if this is a widget that is designed to take the focus, i.e. it contains something the user might want to interact with, False otherwise,

This default implementation returns _selectable. Subclasses may leave these is if the are not selectable, or if they are always selectable they may set the _selectable class variable to True.

If this method returns True then the keypress() method must be implemented.

Returning False does not guarantee that this widget will never be in focus, only that this widget will usually be skipped over when changing focus. It is still possible for non selectable widgets to have the focus (typically when there are no other selectable widgets visible).

sizing() frozenset[Sizing]

A frozenset including one or more of 'box', 'flow' and 'fixed'. Default implementation returns the value of _sizing, which for this class includes all three.

The sizing modes returned indicate the modes that may be supported by this widget, but is not sufficient to know that using that sizing mode will work. Subclasses should make an effort to remove sizing modes they know will not work given the state of the widget, but many do not yet do this.

If a sizing mode is missing from the set then the widget should fail when used in that mode.

If 'flow' is among the values returned then the other methods in this widget must be able to accept a single-element tuple (maxcol,) to their size parameter, and the rows() method must be defined.

If 'box' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept a two-element tuple (maxcol, maxrow) to their size parameter.

If 'fixed' is among the values returned then the other methods must be able to accept an empty tuple () to their size parameter, and the pack() method must be defined.